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The Grape Vaults
Dating to around 1650 The Grape Vaults has an imposing presence in the centre of Leominster, and has shown the presence of spirit in recent years. There have been sightings of a dark figure, a childs footprint reminiscent of talc has been found, chilling cold spots and moving items in the bar area. Links have been asserted to a murder which took place, linking to malevolent activity giving sensations of choking. 



Did You Know?
The Hereford Paranormal Group are not the only respected investigating team and company who investigate paranormal reports in Herefordshire. Other teams include Team Prism and Ghost Watchers Inc.  On many occasions the teams will also work together on projects too. 

A private home in the area was investigated where it was believed items moved, unusual sounds were heard, and the apparition of a women on a stairway were seen. This was noted, by a medium and later verified, who also noted an American link, again later verified as accurate. A very active home, and produces numerous of paranormal activity, including poltergeist activity


Private Modern Home
Its not always the most ancient properties that appear to have a tale to tell. There is one particular more modern property in Leominster that stands on what used to be a wasteland area. It was said to have been very popular with dog walkers at the time. The current owners claim that frequently apparitions of dog walkers are seen walking straight through the house before disappearing. Often accompanied by this is the musty smell that has been described as wet dog. The current occupants appear used to this as their previous home was also haunted and became featured in a book and magazine.

Croft Castle
The spirit of what appears to be a tall man in leather is said to have been seen walking inside the castle.  Once medium picked up on the spirit of a man who he claimed had lost his life abroad during WWII. This was later confirmed as being accurate upon a visit to the local church.


Berrington Hall
It is believed a figure/dark shadow, was seen in the parts of the hall used as a hospital during both world wars.  Others have experienced cold sensations, and even their hair being lifted by what appeared an attention seeking, inquisitive spirit with a fascination for blonde hair. 

The Royal Oak
With reports of dark figures, mysterious blue-bottle flies, feelings of  negativity and forms seen in the cellar which disappeared before a staff members eyes, objects being moved/hidden and doors locking, it would seem this is another active location. Many staff members are indeed too nervous to stay in certain rooms overnight, and quickly leave the cellar/downstairs bar given the chance. It appears owners/managers change quickly, perhaps due to the uneasiness


Priory Church and Grange
There has been several sightings of a figiure looking like a monk who appears to be walking seen walking from the Priory church  across to the Grange. Most sightings appear to take place either at night or early evening. Others have also reported to hear voices and whispering sounds coming from the specific areas where monks used to pray.

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