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Did You Know?

The Hereford Paranormal Group were contacted by producers of a popular paranormal show called Living With The Dead. The show were looking for locations in the area that could be possibly included in the show. The leaders put forward one of the locations and where 2 members of the HPG team were able to appear on an episode of the show that appeared in series 2.


Private Home
There are reports that a group was approached by a private resident hoping to find out more about their home, and were greeted with much more than bargained for in an entirely surprising and accurate reading by a medium. The owner received several verifiable/private facts by the medium. The medium returned to the location several months after the initial investigation and asked if a Ouija board had been conducted or some invitational act had happened. The owner denied this despite the medium indication that something dark had entered the premises. A television crew came and made a documentary. Two famous mediums were present and confirmed what the initial medium had indicated about a dark energy being sent intentionally. The location itself was to prove overwhelmingly powerful in terms of activity, inducing head aches, one individual falling to the floor, items moving of their own accord, and what has been likened to poltergeist activity, and possession.  One thing that impressed the family who lived in their home was how the details from all the investigations could be substatiated with personal and historic facts which included their own investigation and a trip to the local churchyard.


Private Home
Only in 2009 a paranormal investigation was conducted at a private home in Weobley. The desperate owner felt that she needed some clarity  and became so fearful of the events that were preventing her sleep, affecting her children and day-to-day living. She reported drawers opening up and closing along with other strange sounds. Perhaps the most fearful event was when one of the children's beds began moving whilst they were still in it . This spirit was thought to have been associated with a murder which took place in Weobley in the late 1800's.  Along with the poltergeist type pheonomena  and audible accounts, apparitions were also known to have taken place particularly with the children.

Ye Olde Salutation Inn
The Salutation Inn, an ancient Inn reported to have the oldest floor in Weobley, is a fine example of a Herefordshire country Inn. There have been reports of a strange abnormal chill, items moving on the back bar, the feelings of being watched and a full shadowy apparition witnessed near a fireplace. A resident Cat acted as if to protect a group in the attic area, where a locked off room seemed rife with unusual knocking sounds. There were also witnesses to strange white lights in a long hallway to the back of the Inn.

The Tump Inn
Along with movement around the bar area the kitchens prove to be active, where the cookers are adjusted by unknown beings, and sounds are heard such as bangs/voices. Items are moved, and knocked to the floor, and taps are turned on at random. A number of spirits have been noted, including James, who makes scratching sounds, and closes doors. The other, is Florie, thought to be James sister in law. They both walk the bar area.  One customer once conversed with the spirit of Florie in the ladies toilet. The tump itself is said to be an ancient burial ground mound which was just yards along from the pub itself .


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