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The paranormal investigating world does appear to mutate and change regularly. One example is how over the recent years, many have changed their views and become fashionably dismissive of possible "Orb Phenomena".  We have never give our thoughts on the subject of orbs which can be, in many respects adopted with almost every type of reported possible paranormal event.


Our own team, who are 50% scientific led in their beliefs, quite often offer a non-paranormal explanation. Particularly when captured on a digital camera.  But we have always been happy to include them on our Facebook group and websites all the time there is an interest from our supporters.


One spiritual theory is that orbs can be lights forming in an attempt to manifest and spirits attempting to give a sign of their presence. Whereas, the more sceptical may suggest that it could also be a reflection from a surface bouncing back at a lens.  Although we accept this could be the most "likely" theory, who is to say which theory is 100% right?  There is, after all, a difference between likely and definite explanations. If we are to consider an involvement in a subject that, to-date, cannot 100% be proven, it is important to have an open mind regarding any theory. What is interesting is that some may not be so dismissive over hearing the tale of grey lady at the top of the stairs. Or indeed other reports of possible phenomena witnessed or recorded on equipment.


Next time you read, or hear, someone dismissing an "orb" as a speck of dust/insect, ask them to prove that the "actual" light anomalies captured was 100% caused with their non-paranormal explanation. They wont be able to. It is impossible to replay time for real. This is why a likely explanation could be given, but a 100% guarantee could not.  They will be able to prove its possible to re-create the possible phenomena, but unlikely they will be offer you definitive proof that the orb in the picture has a guaranteed dust particle explanation.


If a person is thinking their non-paranormal explanation for orbs is 100% right every time based on re-creation theory,

then you have to possibly dismiss most sensations experienced, many events witnessed and almost all experiments

that are traditionally carried out during paranormal investigations. For example, you can with intent move a glass on

your own or with 4 people cant you? So is that the 100% non-paranormal explanation if this form of divination is used?  

Hallucinations and illusions can exist and be re-created, so does that mean a witness account should be dismissed

immediately as being one?  


Even most equipment relied on to record data can be influenced to give a certain reading. A cold spot is easy to

re-create, just stand by a doorway that leads outdoors.  So is the only explanation for a cold spot always a

non-paranormal one, if a thermal imaging camera or thermometer records a fall in temperature in area where someone senses or seen a spirit? Again, the most likely theory is the doorway influencing the cold readings, but can it be 100% the definitive answer. No, it only becomes the most probable answer.  


Someone once lived in a violent area and found one day his car windscreen had a huge crack.  A likely theory was that a vandal had done the damage because of where his home was located. As he was looking at the crack, a stone dropped on his head and he looked up to see a bird nesting which had obviously been collecting items. Who caused the damage? Was it the bird or a vandal? What is the most likely explanation? Is your answer 100% guaranteed to be right? We appreciate that the birds and vandals have been proven to exist and the spirit world hasnt. But many paranormal investigators consider the possibility of spirit existence in advance and look for proof of it. Even investigators who have the aim to find the evidence to prove something doesnt exist, will need to consider every theory. 


There has been recently a fashionable term adopted and used in small paranormal circles in a derogatory way.."orb chasers".  Are the HPG orb chasers? No, but if we, or another team, are going to be criticised for not dismissing them altogether, then we maybe we should also adopt the term "glass chasers" for not considering only non-paranormal explanations for a glass moving, or "table chasers" for other table experiments conducted.  Maybe "cold chasers" could also be adopted for those who sense cold-spots that are recorded by thermometers?


Another fashionable term used often these days is "Open minded sceptic". Many investigators have adopted this as a phrase to explain where they stand in general opinion with regards to the paranormal subject. There is a huge difference between a sceptic and a cynic. Sceptics will explore and consider all possibilities. They may even sway towards the most likely of theories in their presentation but will consider all. However, a cynic will be closed to possibilities and theories, because they often need only the "one" most likely theory and most probable explanation to consider.  "This is how it is. I wont consider anything else because it is dust!"  It seems easy to mutate from sceptic to cynic. But it is our belief that if you consider all theories, not only are you acting respectful towards someones beliefs and accounts, you are also considering all routes on how to get to an answer. That surely has to be the most agreeable way to investigate anything. Would you want a sceptic or cynic investigating your property?


We would suggest any paranormal team who may read this, are cautious at dismissing any theory.  We are not suggesting that you do not consider the most obvious explanations, (of course you should), only that you are open to all ideas and beliefs in a subject that remains unproven to many. You all have some responsibility to encourage everyone to be as enthusiastic about the subject you are involved in. If you dont already, maybe consider next time you are presented with an orb in a photo, that it wont do you any harm if you present all the theories and then suggest the most likely cause.  Orbs will never give the definitive proof that is needed of a spirit world existence, but neither will temperature readings, EVP, EMF, barrier beams going off, use of a medium/psychic, dowsing, table work and boards, personal testimony, or even a positive trigger object result.


We may be unpopular with a minority for not being fashionable, but we remain true to our cause. If we walk into a dusty environment, we of course prepare ourselves for the likelihood of orbs appearing on all types of cameras. If we capture any, it does become the most dominant explanation for them.


The chances are if you capture an orb it wont be paranormal. There are far too many alternative explanations for them.

However, all the time you are interested in orbs, we are happy to discuss them, but it is unlikely that they will be considered as in our reports or as evidence of an afterlife. But we will never tell you what you can, or cannot believe, only what the most probable answer may be.


ORBS Just an Opinion

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